Thousands of sources
ready to help you for free

How to get a statement from expert sources?

1. Create a new call out with a brief description of the article you are working on.
2. Our system will immediately send your call out to the relevant sources.
3. You will start receiving answers within a few hours. Pick the ones you like.
In our database you will find sources classified according to the topics in which they specialize. At the same time, they already have experience in working with journalists and understand the value and process of such cooperation.
All sources in the fields you have chosen will see your call out. Call outs are anonymous. You will only reveal your identity to the sources you choose to work with.
We recommend posting call outs well in advance, at least 2 days before the deadline. However, you can expect the first answers within a few hours of approving your call out.
If you need an expert statement immediately, you can choose from a list of sources and contact them individually by phone. However, keep in mind that it will be more laborious and you will not get as many quality statements as when creating a call out.
The service to help journalists is free and will always be. Sources provide statements for free, in exchange for free publicity. is not responsible for the opinions of registered expert sources. However, expert sources have references in their profiles to existing statements in the media, so they are easy to verify.
Our service "help a journalist" is free and will be free forever. We will soon launch a sponsored content service, that will be paid.
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Jana Beer photo

“Obtaining an opinion from an expert source is very important for ensuring objectivity, but it is also very time consuming.”

Jana Beer, ex-journalist and co-founder of

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